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Good game. but whatever i do audio is not playing, max volume in both the game and my pc and nothing even if i have all the audio. How can i solve this?

How do i launch super smash bros crusade in linux? I thought that would work for windows 11 pc.

Me personally, I use Steam's WINE client, Proton, because regular WINE doesn't work for SSBC (for me at least). Here's how:

-Get Steam, if you haven't already.

-Next, hit "Add Game" in the Library menu and "Add a Non-Steam Game" (make sure all of SSBC's resources is in an isolated folder)

-Hit "browse" and select SSBC.exe

-Once the game is in your library, go to "settings" (on the right), properties, then compatibility.

-Force a Steam compatibility tool (I use proton hotfix)

-Launch SSBC through Steam and you're good to go!

Great, A black Screen when I enter a Match What do I do? I'm hoping someone can help.

something something redownload the game with your antivirus turned off, then whitelist the game in said antivirus.

It Worked Thanks!

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Hola podría alguien decirme cómo puedo agregar los demás jugadores para jugar con amigos. Ya que solo he podido configurar los controles del P1 y no los del P2. Pues al momento de intentar cambiar los del P2, simplemente no añade ninguna tecla.

English Translation: 

Hi, could someone tell me how I can add other players to play with friends? I've only been able to configure the controls for P1, not P2. When I try to change the P2 controls, it simply won't add any keys.

configure su fuente de entrada primero y solo ENTONCES realice la configuración de control.

Ok guys, if you are  trying to play this on Windows this will NOT work for you, unfortunately. The best thing I have for you guys is to just play Super Smash Flash 2. It's a good alternative until Windows fix this (which I hope is real soon).

correction. it won't work on windows 11.

windows 10 and earlier should be just about fine.

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Erm, it works for me🐴🐴🐴

Yes I am on Wndows 11 too


if it works for you, cool! good! it's definitely hardware dependent too, to a degree.

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so i can never play smash crusade again? 

nooo im on windows 11


I also have the white screen glitch whenever I choose my resolution, is there no fix at all?

that is windows problem, not this game

i downloaded ssbc but when i pass the configuration screen the screen turns white,how can i fix this

its cuz of windows you gotta wait

how am i supposed to get linux on my windows 11 i really wannaa play this again (i cant even play cmc + either)

just get virualbox or smth

I've played this game for like 30 hours, and I have to admit, it's pretty good, but it has some issues. I'm not going to talk about bugs or infinite combos cause you probably already know about them but the models for some characters are sooo badd. For example peach, I don't like that model at all, like she doesn't even have a mouth, and even worse the pummel, it just looks stupid. Then there's donkey kong, his model is fine but his f-air animation, why are his hands so small? and the pummel again, is he giving a pat on your head or something? And his no contest screen is horrible. Then the costumes, some of them are horrible, like jigglypuff's costumes, in the other games jigglypuff changes the color just a little bit but the devs also put some hats that look pretty good, I get it that it would be hard to put hats on the models but many of them, not just for jigglypuff but for pikachu too, look bad. But speaking of gameplay, the game is pretty much like the normal serie. I hope you listen to my comment. Keep on updating

first off. sprites, not models.

second off. chars are slowly getting resprites, so be patient. the devs know that some of 'em look like ass and they're actively working on solving that.

third, with the way the game works it's gonna be outright impossible to put hats on jigglypuff and pikachu's skins. both because of file-size reasons and engine limitations.

Thx for the reply dude, btw how did you know about this resprites thing? Is there a discord or something? Also I already knew about this hats thing, but I tought that it was hard not impossible and is there really a big difference between models and sprites that you had to correct me? I don't even speak english I'm using a translator.

models are 3d polygon-based stuff, sprites are 2d pixel-based stuff. google the difference if you need to.

as for the discord thing, yeah, 'ts linked right in the game if mind serves me right. alongside some other stuff in the links menu.

for any loonix (linux) user who want to host the game

use this

i need a zip file :(

download winrar. or 7-zip.

both are free and pretty darn useful.

The game keeps crashing on the character approaching scenes when I'm in Crusade mode.

press f8 on the title screen.
that should, hopefully, fix it.

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how did you get in

will this get updates for latest windows or is it stuck here because of GMS2

that's an issue microsoft has to deal with, not the devs.


is it stuck updating period?

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oh no, the game's definitely gonna get updates.

it's just that it'll not work on latest windows versions if microsoft doesn't do anything. you gotta remember, the game runs on gm8, there's genuinely not much to be done.

especially since porting to like, gms2 or something would take a LOT of time and manpower that there's just not enough of.

ok good

How long will it be until a new update

of windows 11? I don't know, I'm no microsoft employee.

of crusade? I don't know, I'm no crusade dev.

also can i try getting the source code so i can try porting to GMS2 (can i pls try)

I really fucking doubt the devs would just let you have access to that, considering you're pretty much just a random person on the internets.

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for me it say this thing has virus but idk if it's FR or not so can some one tell me if it has virus or not cuz I want to play it but I don't want virus on my PC.


yeah it has a virus ur computer will explode tomorrow


im sorry to say that you got a virus

but I haven't dowlowd it so I think I am fine

false positive. the game's perfectly fine.



This is too cool make a android version for more compatibility pls

physically impossible. both to play And make.

remember that the game runs on gm8, a version of game maker released back in. I dunno. 2011?? there's deadass no export options outside of an exe file.

By impossible do you mean like how I'm playing this on my android phone right now using winlator? Almost everything on this sight I can run on my phone, kinda why I'm here.

by impossible I mean that they can't make the game natively run on android, i.e there's not gonna be an apk you can download and play.

you're doing it through an emulator, and honestly, kudos to you if it runs well enough and/or in a playable state.

zam the bit went too far now my game wont start


Before commenting, read this:

This comment section is made for giving FEEDBACKS, NOT SUGGESTIONS!

Begging for characters to be added will be a waste of time. and if you NEED to suggest something, join thier discord server.

character suggestions aren't allowed there either, jsyk


uh... isnt a feature suggestion a kind of feedback?


I'm just upset that there isn't a version for macos, I do wish to play this game.

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whisky exists, if you want to run stuff on mac

for ease of use and for its features i strongly recommend Heroic Launcher for MacOS. The launcher is very easy to use and has features such as using different translation layers and versions of them, as well as being able to connect to 3 different stores: Epic Games store, Gog store and Amazon Prime Gaming. It also allows you to add custom apps, such as this one, with a few clicks of a button. Good luck!


when is the next update for this game, 0.9.6 or 0.9.7?

please wait a bit before beg another update. they are just working at it

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Works fantastic on steam/proton without any modifications via Linux. Just download + proton experimental.

The game suddenly stopped working and only shows a gray screen.  It happened at the same day my Windows updated.  What happened?


windows 11's new update caused a problem of the game. hopeful microsoft will fix that

hello, sorry, but i think a update from windows ruin the game, because now anything with any version game, plays the grey screen, can you fix that?


windows 11's problem. not SSBC, so for now u cant play ssbc

can someone please help me out?

Whenever I try to open the game it goes straight to a gray screen after I choose the display and the loading only starts after I close the game.

Can someone please give me a fix for this?

this happen to me too... im trying to find ways to fix it but cant

There's a weird error in the game in which if you lose to a challenger and try end another match to fight him again, the screen of "incoming challenger" won't display any of the usual silhouettes and when the match begins, it turns into a completely silent black screen, the only option being to close the game. Also, whenever I fight a Falco CPU, he just flies off the screen when he uses his final smash, and it doesn't end. He stays in his spaceship forever and stays offscreen so no one can get him until the timer gets to zero. Please fix this.

Possible fix for game being unresponsive after fresh install.

Disable all ASLR settings for the .exe file. To do this

open settings> windows security> app and browser control> exploit protection> program settings> add program to customize> find where your exe is and select> override any option that mentions ASLR

Hope this helps someone!

I can't load the game past the resolution choice screen (I can't even choose a resolution) before the game becomes unresponsive.

I've spent a few hours searching different forums and trying uninstalling and reinstalling, disabling antivirus (and eventually trying deleting it), checking that my direct x and drivers are up to date, but nothing is working.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

can yall make it compatible with the xbox 360/nintendo switch pro controlle

hey can there be a update for fixing the white screen on start up (i look throw a lot of QnA and only found that windows update brake the game so just want to see if you can fix that bug [i tried the game and its so fun but the glitch made stop and try to find ways to fix it but it only happen to people who had the costume problem but i dont have that kind of problem so yeah its fun but wish there was a way to fix the white screen bug])

i hope there is


My favorite Smash Bros fan game. Something about this games gameplay is really addictive compared to a bunch of other platform fighters. Also feels good to have my art in this game.


que buen juego la verdad el mejor fangame para mi es el mejor de todos

this cast is stacked!!!!!!! bup how do i unlock peaple

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press f8 or unlock them manually with this guide:

Deleted 21 days ago

"that's it" 💀

I also want mega man zero

try cmc+ instead of waiting 50 years to realize this will never get added in the main game

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yo chat what would be the most annoying character in smash bros?

1. Steve (Smash Ultimate)

2. Rosalina & Luma (Smash Wii U)

3. Sonic (both smash ultimate and wii u)

4.  Ness (Smash Ultimate)

Ness, I am DONE with that stupid PK Fire move.

it's like PK fire is Ness's entire moveset



if anyone says rosalina then they just suck, considering shes easy to counter

I'd love to get it but too many people have been trying.

Try downloading from other link or website

What other link or website


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My right stick's left and right inputs just don't register at all despite working in any other game. I was able to fix it by adding the game as a non steam game.


everyone is here! kinda

yeh rosalina isnt here

Help, where do install GMFMODSimple.dll file

For some reason, i was only able to load the game once, and every time after I unpacked everything, it still says some of the assets arent there


Every one but the money isn't here

and neither is rosalina


This is a smash ultimate photo and Rosalina is in the Ultimate Roaster and i was referring earlier to smadh ultimate not smash crusade

hope waluigi gets added in the next game

can someone help me? I just downloaded the game and unzipped it with winrar, but as soon as I chose the resolution the game screen remains white, I see the loading screen only when I call the game with the classic x in the top right, I want to play crusade I tried to modify the alts file that I saw on the internet as a solution, and to redownload and rezip it, but the game continues to give a white screen

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U could try clicking a button on the keyboard to see if it goes out of resolution or try deleting the folder you saved it in and putting it back in again to see if it restarts and then the resolution might come out.

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