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when are you adding rosalina




when are you adding rosalina




when are you adding rosalina


when are you adding rosalina


when are you adding rosalina

when i try to open it its just a white screen

Re download the game or unzip the winrar or 7zip file again.also this problem usually caused by touching the game files so idk about u (good luck 👍)

(1 edit)

me too

no download


This is probably the best fangame, or any game for that matter I've seen on The art is great, the sound is great, the intro is awesome, the character options is great, EVERYTHING IS GREAT!!! Bro the team did outstanding. BTW is there any way you can add some of these characters. Minecraft Steve, Master Chief, Fortnite Peely, (I think someone mentioned Riachu,) Dragonite, Tom Nook,  and Zelda. Thanks, great work,  love the game.

There is a modded version called CMC v.8 and it have these characters you mentioned


does it have rosalina

(1 edit)

Still no :( but there are over 600+ characters like sans and many other popular and not popular characters.(I know u r going to say if there is no Rosalina i'm not interested)


yeh you guessed right cause SIX HUNDRED AND YET NO ROSALINA

there's not 600+ characters in base v8. you must be playing extended.

Yes i do


there's kart fighter rosalina in the april fools build. so I'd really suggest porting her from the '24 version, since that one runs on the same version of the engine as v8 and whatever weird extended version you're gonna use.


Bro Your a lifesaver... Now go use thunderbolt and knockout a few weedles or something.

Deleted 89 days ago
(1 edit)

No i'm here to use my lifetime experience of this game and help others and thank you for the complement :)

Maybe get some shinies btw

Dang it, touché.


i accidentally made all my controlls go to nothing and now i cant even get past the main menu... what do i do:???

also how do i play with a PS4 controller...

Plug you ps4 controller charger to the pc usb port (make sure your controller is pluged well with the charger cable)

Also in some case you need to reset the controls due to the game bug so in case do player 2 controls with keyboard so you don't have to delete the file each time you open the game. Else you are Lucky ;)

Delete the settings file(.txt) or the controls(.txt) file and the controls will be as good as new


how do i open

(1 edit)

Open the game folder and then scroll down then click on ssbc(.app) file and the game will open

Also select the resolution (the first one is recommended) by entering enter without touching anything (if unsure)


Add Minecraft Characters

New Update off Shadow Please!

I don't know why, but i cant unlock the characters. i can unlock only the Banjo. is a bug? :(

Deleted 129 days ago
Deleted 103 days ago

sorry for those who request for new characters,pls stop. I read the policy and terms of the official discord server and they don't accept any character recommendation they only accept game mechanic and bug fixes recommendation


when are you adding rosalina




Shut it


Someone tell me as soon as I unlock a character and I exit the game and I come back in and see I no longer have that character just unlocked.



Idk enter a match with one of the new characters and exit the match so the game autosave and you'll not encounter that problem again


Add frisk undertale pls


Add Sans



When i start the game im stuck in the main men. I just goes up and down and i cant stop it. How do i fix this?

Press the direction either up or down and it must go away

I'm having some friction controlling the game - I have ever since being introduced to Rivals of Aether. Can we get a dedicated Smash Attack button like that game, please? It reduces friction between what I want the character to do VRS what it actually does - I'm Trying to F-Smash, stop D-Attacking!

Oh, yeah. Based game, I love landing fully charged F-Smashes with Bowser, and Sonic's kit is practically my dream move-set for him, only a few moves off. Great stuff.

Yes u can adjust smash attacks like rivals of aether by changing (smash type) from C-stick or tilt button to Smash button and make all C-stick buttons all the same then it must work worked for me

Yeah, but then you cannot use the C-Stick!

And that's how I execute 99% of my tilts.

Waitaminute... If I turn of A-Smash...

Lemme try this actually

Yeah, that feels exactly like what I want, but then you cannot use the C-Stick for anything, which is a huge problem. I just want this function on a button ;(

Sorry that's all i got and A smash let you do smash attacks with the A button and any direction.

Oh yeah man I wasn't expecting you to fix the problem I commented to alert the devs


Can Young Link be added and Pirahna Plant? Maybe even King Boo? Please.


nobody wants fucking piranha plant or young link


Hey that is mean


but like im being honest

Let them want what they want. It's only fair to let others suggest what character they want as long as they don't harm anyone it's good but unlike u : u spammed in the comments. U want ur character to be in the game as if u own it.U are used as a bad example of other

So if u want ur character do it yourself the way u like but u'll find it hard.

Don't get the wrong idea. But u treat others the way u want to be treated 

but like when are they adding rosalina

pouvez-vous ajouter Son Gohan en tant que personnage jouable s’il vous plaît


Also, it would be great to have 4k or 1080p support on graphic settings.


It doesn't really matter as it's scaling anyway. Just launch the game with the default, first setting and press F4 and it goes scaled fullscreen without bluriness.

absolutly the best super smash brothers fangame EVER.

i have played this since i was a kid in 2014, i love it. i hope this fangame keeps updating. i will support with what i have though. 


(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, I love this game, but I found this little bug, when I go to the tournament to get Vegeta, a second character appears and falls into the void and kills me, insta kill. sorry for the bad inglish, i dont speak inglish. 


at least you tried to speak english :)

Pretty good English, besides the fact you spelled it like the Spanish word

Basically, it's spelled English, not Inglish

Anyways good find man


I literally LOVE YOUR GAME, and it’s my favorite smash, I’ve always played it since the beginning, but I wanted to know if there would ever be any possibility of the Pokemon Raichu becoming a playable character, he’s my favorite Pokemon, and it frustrates me that Pichu is always Pikachu appears in all smash games but never Raichu, so I would be very happy if one day Raichu became a playable character in the game, thank you very much for reading my message! <3



(3 edits)

Hello, I'm currently having a problem with the game: every time I play a game (doesn't matter if I win or lose) on the crusade menu, it appears the "new challenger aproaching" screen but there's no shadow of any character, and when the narrator starts counting the screen just turns black and the game stops working until i close it. Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it? Thanks in advance 

Edit: I just found out it happens too when I'm  leaving training mode

Edit 2: It seems I have fixed it by unlocking the character I was trying to unlock the first time it happened. I have one character left to unlock and am afraid it might happen again, so I'd like to know if this has happened to someone else and if there is a way to fix it aside from trying to unlock the character. thx 

I've downloaded the file but i dont know how to open and play the game.

you'll see the icon of the game in the game's folder click on it twice then a black screen will appear with numbers on it these numbers are resolution click match the screen and if you have performance problems change resolutions and press f4 for Fullscreen or adjust graphics in the settings 



Hey, this is the first time I've wanted to download a game from this site, is it safe? 

Yes absolutely

(1 edit)

v0.9.5 I started the game, and right after the intro video as soon as there is a menu. The game thinks I am inputting commands. It keeps moving between the Crusade and Online menu options. I have no controllers inserted. I even disabled my keyboard, and mouse to see if it would stop. It never stopped.

Start the game as administrator or match the screen at the game, i do these 2 at the same and it worked

restart your pc or use task manager. you call it.

(1 edit)

Does someone know why my game looks like this?

Man idk, try redownloding it XD


how do you use Ryu, Chun li and evil Ryu ex meter


Special + attack  so that you can use this skill


if it complete use it special + taunt 

I can do Ryu and Chun li's supers but not Evil Ryu's for some reason. I don't know what I'm doing wrong! Dude, Crusade lacks a guide at teaching you how things work.

Evil Ryu requires a special command because over 100% Raging Demon is an instakill. You gotta do a Jab, Side Tilt, Neutral Special combo when your bar is full. 

(there are other combinations that work and this isn't even the "official" one, but it's the easiest to land)

Yeah. NOW I got it. Thanks, man. But seriously though. Why doesn't nothing about game tell you about this? A guide would be at least viable if it was around the menu somewhere.

can me explain for downald pls . i have downal but not know what do after


Too all people who are struggling to down this game by Google drive I have a solution follow this video 

And if you already have a Google drive account that will make it easier 

Please upload it to mega or somewhere else, google wont let us download cause apparently too many people downloaded it.


Somehow I can't download the file since google said too many people downloaded it.

just got it how to unlock characters


F8 on title screen. Title, not main menu.

ever time i try it save as a takeout folder idk what to0 do 

pls help me 

I downloaded the game, and when I want to play and choose the resolution settings, the screen goes white and nothing more happens after that. Can anyone help me with that? I have all drivers updated


The most likely reason for a white screen is a missing/altered core data file (especially Alts) or missing menu UI elements. All that's related with actually playing (especially bin files in fighter and stages) aren't required for the game to start, so it's not that.

in any case,
disable antivirus, whitelist the game folder, and reinstall it.

I did that but the problem persists

I keep trying to press F8 to unlock all the characters, but my laptop just keeps opening up a thing that shows different screen options and stops me from unlocking all the characters.  How do I work around this to make F8 actually unlock the characters?

you're on a laptop, yes? you have an fn key, yes?
maybe try holding/pressing/whatevering the key and pressing f8

That worked! Thank you!!

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